What you should know about Texting in Michigan

Sunday, December 4, 2011

by George R. Hamo

There's no question, technology has drastically changed the world over the past several decades. Recently, the advent of the smart phone has brought a new reality of "texting" to our every day lives. People can't seem to get enough of it. They text while shopping, walking, eating, and - unfortunately - driving. Experts have estimated that texting while driving is at least as dangerous as driving while drunk. It causes us to focus not only our attention, but also our eyes, off the road and those around us.

Victims of auto accidents involving distracted drivers (due in large part to texting) have seen a striking increase since smart phones became commonplace. This new danger actually prompted Michigan to enact into law a statewide ban on texting while driving. This law applies to all drivers at any age.

First of all, it is important to safeguard yourself against the possibility of causing catastrophic injuries and facing consequences in court. If you have an addiction to text messaging, it is a good idea to turn off your phone's volume before getting behind the wheel, and - if possible - keep your phone out of reach and out of sight. These steps will help you to focus on your driving.

Second, if you are a victim of a distracted driver, it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible since there are strict timelines in Michigan regarding these types of cases. It is important that you receive proper compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and medical expenses to help your recovery process be as smooth as possible during this difficult time in your life. The experts here at George Hamo & Associates Attorneys in Flint, MI are highly familiar with these cases and can be reached at any time at 800-458-1133.

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